Monday, June 1, 2020

Majzoob’s poem “Solitude :(Tanhai)”- An English Translation:

Here is an English Translation of a poem of the renowned Marwat Pashtu poet Abdul Rahim Majzoob where he describes the
sudden emergence of clouds and rain and his musings about this phenomenon and the power behind these forces:
( I am thankful for the Pashtu text and image to Zahid Amin of Serai Naurang).

Majzoob’s poem “Solitude :(Tanhai)”- An English Translation:

Whence came the rain,
Suddenly cascaded water from the sky!
Could you fathom something of it?
Out in the fields, standing there,
How many beings, sweltering and thirsting,
With parched lips, waiting,
Almost scorched by the heat,
Who could have quenched their thirst?
How did the rain come up?
How that cloud gathered?
Torrents of rain water erupting forth,

Rolling the dikes away.
Somebody must have wrought this?
Whose Providence is this?
He must be Omnipotent, Compassionate,
Beyond the ken of our imagination!

( Rendered into English by Aslam Mir on 1st June 2020)

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